"Open source software - a field of expertise that brings developers and lawyers together"
Ort: Raum 0.108, Informatikgebäude, Campus Vaihingen, Universitätsstr. 38, 70569 Stuttgart
Referentin: Janneke van de Westelaken, Robert Bosch GmbH
Janneke van de Westelaken studied law in the Netherlands, at the Tilburg University. After she gained her LL.M. in 2002, she started working as a lawyer in private practice. Since 2015, she is working at Bosch. Since 2020 at Bosch’s corporate legal department in Stuttgart. Janneke focuses on open source software and is legal representative in Bosch’s open source expert team. She trains and advices both legal colleagues and developers and is involved in drafting Bosch internal opens source software. Janneke represents Bosch externally on matters of open source software.
Open source software is gaining importance. There are hardly software products or software programs not containing open source software. But what does it mean. The source code of open source software does not look any different than the source code of any non-open source software. Why is the legal department involved if we talk about software? Are lawyers not better off drafting agreements and contracts, are developers not better off if the lawyers stick to their core skills? Looking at open source software through the glasses of a company lawyer.
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